Saturday 2 February 2013

Happiness u seek is inside you and of course, you can identify the same as you get inspired through your parents, guru or your deity in the prayer hall of your choice, be it church,Bahais,Mandir or Mosque
U can turn around inside you by just closing your eyes and discover the inner strength, inner peace and inner joy that Father, the God Almighty has kept in infinite supply in each one of us including all the other creatures and plants and the entire universe

Let us celebrate this life fully and enjoy a new attitude,a new perspective regarding the vasudikakutumbakam around you, tranquillity and equilibrium with all around you, all the saints, the spiritual masters, all the great ones who lead the world towards a more peaceful, more cleaner, more cooler and more enjoyable planet that is greener, inviting you to live life king size with an eye on the live and let live philosophy to Life beyond life